Apply for the Proper Permits When You Remodel Your Oklahoma Home
For safety’s sake, each city in the United States has its own set of codes within which builders need to operate when doing any type of building or remodeling. Homeowners need to make sure that they and their home’s contractor comply with local building codes, so before you start demolition for a project, such as adding a carport or a sunroom, make sure you have all the appropriate permits for the work you want to do.
Do You Need Permits for Remodeling Your Home in OK?
You will need permits for some of the types of remodeling work you choose to do on your home in Oklahoma. When you are finally ready for that new addition you’ve been saving up for over the past several years, make sure you avoid any stumbling blocks before your contractor starts doing any work. The two of you can sit down and discuss these particular details, but it is always helpful for you to know as much as possible as you go into such a large financial and personal commitment to your family.
What Types of Home Remodeling Projects Require Permits?
While not every project you choose to do for your remodeling project requires a permit, many do – so make sure you fill out the appropriate forms and apply for your permit before you and your contractor start the job. For example, the City of Oklahoma provides an easy-to-understand building permit application form that gives you a list of everything for which you will need to apply for a permit. Make sure you fill out the form if you plan to work on the following projects:
- Erecting a home or structure
- Add-on
- Remodel
- Move-on
- Fire Restoration
- Installation
- Modular projects
The application itself asks all the appropriate questions to help you through the process, but again, you can ask your contractor to help walk you through it, so you can both stay up to speed on any things that might leave you wondering. You can also always call your permit office to talk to one of the customer service professionals who can help you sort it all out without adding any unnecessary stress to the process that promises you smooth progress in your project.
Other home projects that require permits include adding a swimming pool, your fence installation, and any elaborate or extensive electrical and plumbing work.
The Application for Your Remodeling Project Permit
Filling out your form will help you get started on the process as quickly as possible. You can often find your application online via an electronic form that you can fill in online, and you can either print your responses right away and sign, or you can sign the form online and submit it to your local Oklahoma City Department, or Department of Public Works, for review, consideration, and approval. Answering questions about your address and personal contact information, your builders, the type of permit you need, the size of the structure, and other details will help make the process much easier.
Inspections During Construction to Enforce Permits
Expect visits from city officials during the process of your project to make sure you and your workers are keeping everything moving along and in compliance with your permit for your sunroom, patio cover, solarium, or any other room addition you have your heart set on.
Contact us with any questions about your future home improvements.